Lake Towerrinning

Lake Towerrinning – WA’s Best Kept Secret.
Lake Towerrinning is a 256-ha phenomenon close to, but not directly part of, the Arthur River.
The Lake is ideal for all water sports including skiing, and has a barbecue, picnic spot and a brand new fenced playground for the kids.
Camping is available at the Lake through Lakeside Camping ( or, or by phone on 08 9863 1195 or 0419 765 196
No camping is allowed on the Public facilities area of the Lake.
- Boat ramp
- Public toilets
- Playground
- Public BBQ
- Camping area
- Picnic area
- Shaded areas
- Public change rooms
- Small onsite store in the camping area

- Skiing
- Camping
- Bird watching
- Picnicking
- Swimming
Boat Usage plan
Water skiing is to be carried out in an anti-clockwise direction and is permitted between the hours of SUNRISE and SUNSET only.
Water skiing is prohibited within 30 metres of the shoreline except within the designated water ski takeoff and landing areas.
Taking off or landing of skiers is prohibited except within the two designated water ski takeoff areas.
Personal Water Craft (PWC) are not permitted in any water ski areas unless they are being used to tow a skier.
Click here to view map of ski area.

Information for your safety and enjoyment
The Lake is a natural freshwater body containing untreated water, which may contain water-borne diseases.
Take appropriate precautions when swimming at the Lake such as keeping your head above water and holding your nose when jumping into the water.
- Beware of submerged snags and stumps.
- Do not dive – water depth varies.
- Please enjoy the beauty of this area and dispose of all litter appropriately.
- No animals are permitted on the Shire lease except dogs on leashes.
- Don’t forget your sunscreen.
The Environment
Lake Towerrinning is an “A Class” Nature Reserve (No. 24917) and is owned by the Department of Environment and Conservation, and vested in the Shire of West Arthur. It is very valuable as
a wildlife refuge and is one of a few relatively fresh permanent, large waterbodies in the Great Southern Region.
Approximately 128 bird species, both local and migratory, have been recorded using the lake bush and wetlands.
A wide range of reptile species have also been recorded around the lake in the past including the long neck tortoise.
The Lake has not always been a permanent waterhole but has become a permanent water body as a result of clearing for agricultural land.
As a result of clearing the Lake was in danger of turning salty when in 1979 a group of local farmers formed the Lake Towerrinning Catchment Group and together with the Shire of West Arthur built a diversionary drain to annually divert fresh water into the Lake. Once the Lake is full, overflow re-enters the main stream to flow into the Blackwood River. This drain won the group many accolades and awards.
We hope that you enjoy your visit to Lake Towerrinning. If you would like to provide some feedback on the Lake, its facilities or any other aspect of your stay please contact the Shire at