Voluntary Groups

The Bleat Newspaper

The Bleat Newspaper is a voluntary organisation to help provide information to the Shire of West Arthur. This includes advertising businesses, coming events, church rosters, community services, classifieds and other information of interest. West Arthur CRC for advertising information.

The Bleat is always looking for volunteers to help collate the paper & assist with typing (computer), coordinating, printing and assembling. If you would be interested in helping please contact the West Arthur CRC. The Bleat is issued every second Tuesday.

The Bleat Newspaper Information
Contact West Arthur CRC
Phone (08) 9736 2000
Email bleat@westarthur.wa.gov.au
Advertising Information West Arthur CRC Website

CWA - Darkan

Meetings held first Tuesday of every month, 6.30 pm. All welcome

Darkan & Districts Apex Club

Darkan St John Ambulance

Provides Ambulance transport, First Aid training, First Aid supplies.