Waste Management

Refuse Site Opening Hours

Coalfields Rd
Monday - 8.00am - 3.00pm
Friday - 8.00am - 3.00pm
Saturday 8.00am - 3.00pm
Sunday 8.00am - 3.00pm

Frequently asked questions

Where are my closest Refuse Sites?

  • Darkan Refuse site is located on Coalfields Road, Darkan.


  • Free access will apply to Shire residents for general waste.

Entry Condition Applicable:

  • Scavenging is not permitted.
  • Climbing on or removing material from stockpiles is not permitted.
  • Children and pets must always remain in vehicles.
  • Enclosed footwear to be worn.
  • No smoking or lighting of fires.
  • Obey all advisory signs.
  • It is the driver’s responsibility to unload his or her vehicle.
  • Flares, EPIRBS, explosives, ammunitions, fire extinguishers and medical waste are not accepted.
  • Hazardous waste, such as flammable, toxic, corrosive, radioactive and firefighting foam are not accepted. Please contact the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) for information on sites where these materials can be disposed.
  • Asbestos and material containing asbestos can be accepted under certain conditions. This material must be wrapped in two layers of 2-micron (builder plastic), and sealed with duct tape or similar with warning signs placed on the outside stating “Warning Hazardous Material” or Warning Asbestos Material” prior to transport and disposal. By Appointment only.
  • DRUMMUSTER by appointment only.
  • The Shire reserves the right to refuse entry to, or accept waste from, any person or commercial entity.

What items can I recycle at my local landfill site?

  • Used and empty farm chemical containers. The Shire, in partnership with DRUMMUSTER, provides an enclosure where used farm chemical containers can be deposited. To be accepted, containers need to be tripled rinsed. This program aims to remove unwanted chemical containers from the waste stream and recycle the materials used to produce them. DRUMMUSTER is not open on weekends. Contact the Shire for DRUMMUSTER dates.
  • E-waste material consisting of televisions, computers, fax machines, photocopiers, non-lead acid batteries and phones can be disposed of at the appropriately signed site.

    Is there anything I can’t take to my local refuse site?

    Yes, please see listed items below:

    • Hazardous chemicals, includes residue in containers and lead acid batteries.
    • Explosive devices, including unspent cartridges and fireworks.
    • Cooking Oil.
    • Used oil and oil drums.
    • LPG gas cylinders.
    • Large truck tyres, tractor and large machinery tyres, 4x4 and car tyres.
    • Certain metals such as mercury.
    • Medical and biomedical wastes.
    • Class B fire extinguishers, certain fire-fighting foams containing persistent organic compounds, such as (PFOS) perfluoro octane sulfuric acid and (PFOA) perfluorooctanoic acid.

    Where can I dispose of old and used oil?

    • All used or old oil is to be drained at the Wren Oil facility, next to the Shire Depot on Horwood Street, Darkan. (All drums and containers must be taken away once oil is emptied).

    How do I dispose of hazardous materials like asbestos?

    • The Shire accepts asbestos and Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) for disposal at Darkan refuse site, by appointment only. A separate trench is provided for this purpose.
      • Asbestos and ACM is required to be wrapped in two layers of 2-micron thick (builders) plastic, and sealed with duct tape or similar with warning labels placed on the outside stating “Warning Hazardous Material or “Warning Asbestos Material” prior to transport and disposal.
      • Asbestos or ACM not wrapped or labelled will not be accepted due to health risks.

    Request to Dispose of Asbestos Material


      Click for more information regarding Rubbish Collection and Recycling.