The Bleat Community Newspaper - Online Editions

A Community Service For The West Arthur Shire.
Housed in the West Arthur Community Resource Centre. A publication produced by the West Arthur CRC in conjunction with Community Volunteers and the Bleat Committee (also voluntary).
Bleat Community Newspaper Information
Phone |
9736 2000 |
Fax |
9736 2099 |
Email | |
St/Postal Address |
27 Burrowes Street, DARKAN 6392 |
The Bleat is printed every second Monday.
The Bleat operates out of the West Arthur Community Resource Centre and has distribution points in Arthur River, Darkan and Duranillin.
Contributions must be in by noon on the Friday before publication.
Contributions can be emailed, faxed, posted, or put in The Bleat ‘in tray’ at the West Arthur Community Resource Centre.
Articles contributed become public domain and may be reproduced in other publications.
If you do not want articles to be reproduced it is your responsibility to clearly state this in your submission.
To access the new online copy of the Bleat click on the link West Arthur CRC Website