Australia Welcomes a New Citizen

Published on Wednesday, 18 September 2024 at 12:14:20 PM

Media Release – 18 September 2024

Australia Welcomes a New Citizen

The Shire of West Arthur hosted a citizenship ceremony on Australian Citizenship Day, 17 September 2024.

Shire President Neil Morrell conducted the ceremony, which was held in Council Chambers. Cr Morrell recognised the Traditional Owners before informing the attendees of what Australian Citizenship represents. “Becoming an Australian citizen is a major decision involving commitment, responsibility and public recognition”, he said.

After reading a statement from the Hon Tony Burke MP, Minister for Home Affairs, he then read the Preamble before inviting Lee Gray to come forward and take her Pledge of Commitment. Following the National Anthem, Australian citizens attending the event were invited to join in the Australian Citizenship Affirmation.

A congratulatory afternoon tea followed, attended by Lee’s family and friends, along with Cr Morrell and Cr Lubcke.

Congratulations on becoming an Australian citizen, Lee.


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